This series is about Alex Murphy, a police officer. He is wounded and dies after a case goes wrong. Doctors turn him into a powerful cyborg. His mission is to protect the innocent. This series followed the Robocop movie. I remember that back then we had never seen anything like Robocop before. It was an instant hit.
Robert Bockstael as 12 episodes 1988,
Barbara Budd as 12 episodes 1988,
Len Carlson as 12 episodes 1988,
Allen Stewart-Coates as 12 episodes 1988,
More Cast (8) ...
Rex Hagon as 12 episodes 1988,
Dan Hennessey as Officer Alex J. Murphy / ... 12 episodes 1988,
Ron James as 12 episodes 1988,
Gordon Masten as 12 episodes 1988,
Greg Morton as 12 episodes 1988,
Susan Roman as Officer Anne Lewis 12 episodes 1988,
Christopher Ward as 12 episodes 1988