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Main Cast Reviews  Kristen Stewart, Lars Eidinger, Sigrid Bouaziz Categories  Drama | Adventure N/A

This film is about a personal shopper that is faced with a complex situation. It is set in Paris. She somehow makes contact with her twin brother who had died there earlier. To add to the complexity, a mysterious person contacts her via text messages. A powerhouse performance by Kristen Stewart as the personal shopper. The awesome cast includes: Kristen Stewart as Untitled, Lars Eidinger as Untitled, Sigrid Bouaziz as Untitled, Anders Danielsen Lie as Untitled, Ty Olwin as Untitled, Hammou Graaa as Untitled, Nora von Waldstätten as Untitled, Benjamin Biolay as Untitled, Audrey Bonnet as Untitled, Pascal Rambert as Untitled, Aurélia Petit as Untitled, Olivia Ross as Untitled, Thibault Lacroix as Untitled, Calypso Valois as Untitled, Benoit Peverelli as Untitled, Dan Belhassen as Untitled, Leo Haidar as Untitled and Mickael Laplack as Untitled.
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