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Main Cast Reviews  Ansel Elgort, Rita Moreno, Maddie Ziegler Categories  Crime | Drama | Musical Release Date  1st Jul 2021 N/A


This movie is an adaptation of the 1957 musical. West Side Story is about the love and rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks. These are two teenage street gangs with different ethnicities. What a great cast: Ansel Elgort as Tony, Rita Moreno as Valentina, Maddie Ziegler as Velma, Corey Stoll as Lieutenant Schrank, Ariana Debose as Anita, Rachel Zegler as Maria, Brian D'arcy james as Officer Krupke, Ana Isabelle as Rosalia, Mike Faist as Riff, Kyle Allen as Jet, David Alvarez as Bernardo, Jamie Harris as Rory, Jamila Velazquez as Meche, Ben Cook as Mouthpiece and Curtiss Cook as Abe.

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