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Main Cast Reviews  Kevin Dillon, Bruce Willis, Gianni Capaldi Categories  Action | Crime Release Date  1st Jan 2022 N/A

Bruce Willis is back! Connor Connolly kills a drug syndicate member while protecting a parolee. He also has one day to pay two million dollars to Tyrone Pettis. He asks his old military pal and his crew to obtaine two million dollars before he loses people he loves. What a great action cast: Kevin Dillon as Conner Connolly, Bruce Willis as Police Chief Alston, Gianni Capaldi as Tim Connolly, Brooke Butler as Candice Connolly, Johnny Messner as Deputy Chief Schipp, Curtis Nichouls as Spade, Mohamed Karim as Det. Reynolds, Vernon Davis as Dwayne Miller, Alexander Kane as Steven Rogers, Leon as Tyrone Pettis, Frank Grillo as Capt. Brice Mason, Devon Harbin as Danny Fields, Aspen Kennedy Wilson as Joaquin Smith, Jay Ward as Carlos Rogers, Cheryl Prater as Diane Alston, Cami Roebuck as Becky, Matthew Judd as Boss and Keitra Bri Wilson as Nell's Wife
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