[x] In this movie Artificial Intelligence exists. Will it aid human evolution or will it harm life? The great cast includes: Olga Korsak as Maria, Jaemoon Lee as Brandon, Valentyna Sichko as Sophia, Aliya as Hope, Nick Newcastle as Joshua, Eugenia Protsko as Blake, Diana Gogol as Pretending robot Diana, Sergey Papkov as Abraham and Seth...
[x] Secret Service Agent Mike Banning gets framed for the attempted assassination of the President. He must escape the clutches of his own security agency and the FBI. He tries to uncover what really happens and discovers another rogue agency responsible for it all. What a great cast: Gerard Butler as Mike Banning, Morgan Freeman as Pr...
[x] This film is about how journalist Gary Webb investigates the CIA's role in importing crack cocaine to the black part of LA and getting arms to fighters in Nicaragua in the 80's. It is set in California 1996. The super cast includes: Jeremy Renner as Untitled, Robert Patrick as Untitled, Jena Sims as Untitled, Robert Pralgo as Untitled...
"A.I. Artificial Intelligence" movie poster (other content)More Info
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