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Main Cast Reviews  Kat Ginsburg, Caylee Cowan, Madison Goodhue Categories  Sci-Fi | Action | Adventure Release Date  5th Nov 2022 N/A


This movie is about how seven genetically engineered girls wake up to find out they have supernatural abilities. They also wake up to a very different world. The great cast includes: Kat Ginsburg as Mama Kat, Caylee Cowan as C3AI, Madison Goodhue as Mad, Bianca Leonor Quiñones as Quin, Curtis Lepore as Brad, Hannah Abeel as Han, Zoe Sidney as Siri, Zoe Stone as Zoe, Vincent Lantzy as Vinnie, Anna Sofie Christensen as Anna, Alicia Naomi as Alexa, Rachel Kronish as Grace, Jessica White as Jypsy, Sasha Sosa as Untitled and Natalie Muñoz as Untitled.

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