This movie follows the lives of a family of the future. This family chose not to take a microchip implant. Because of this they are constantly on the run from the international government known as F.A.T.H.E.R. The full cast includes: Frazer Hines as Dr. James Sheppard, Brooke Norbury as Young Mary, Emma Fletcher as Julia, Magnus Dugdale as Captain Skye, Lamin Tamba as Amos Taiwo, Howy Bratherton as Elikai, Boo Miller as Nicky, Jason Catlin as Kevin -TV Reporter (archive footage), Xavier Gomez as Thomas Corby, Matt Butcher as TV Reporter (archive footage), William Kaffenberger as God, Sam Dunning as Matthew Corby, Theresa Roche as Miss Marshall, Emmeline Braefield as Ruth Goldstein and Jade Fearon as Reverend Franks.