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Main Cast Reviews  Will Savarese, Alexa Elliot, Drew B. Anderson Categories  Comedy | Romance Release Date  1st May 2022 N/A

Josh Taylor and his nerd friends go up against the school's basketball star. Josh bets the jock that he can get a hotter prom date than him. The talented cast includes: Will Savarese as Josh Taylor, Alexa Elliot as Elaine, Drew B. Anderson as Bj Hofferman, Colin Parker as Greg Moyer, Felix Torrez as Sam Fletcher, Josh Madson as Fred Wadia, Tyler Thomas Moore as Chip, Ryan Rimas as Bowzer, Jose Rosete as Coach Thompson, Sara Visser as Ms. Richards, Christie Griffin as Amanda, Blaize Hall as Christine, Madi Artz as Susan, Ashley Spaulding as Jane and Andy Pett as Mr. Sisk.
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