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Main Cast Reviews  Shuler Hensley, Christopher-Lawson Palmer, Kelly Shipe Categories  Action | Adventure Release Date  1st Jan 2022 N/A

This movie is an adventure story set in the civil war. The full cast includes: Shuler Hensley as Samuel Barnett, Christopher-Lawson Palmer as Jeremiah, Kelly Shipe as Adena Barnett, Cylk Cozart as Mr. Magian, David Dwyer as General Rum, Michael A. Candela as Waller, Alex Watson as Emmit, Enya Flack as Miss Minty, Lena Aliison as Chloe, Peter Candela as Cherokee Kid, Shelia Wofford as Medicine Woman, Emma Thorne as Clara, Marcy Conway as Marcy, Nikki Estridge as Walks on Wind and Chris Bath as Union soldier.
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