This movies tells the story of a young American outlaw. He achieved fame back East. He returns to his hometown to retrieve stolen goods. But his exploits catch up with him. He realizes he may never come home again. The great cast includes: Christopher Mitchum as Jim Chisum, Jeff Davis as Doc Makferson, John Wells as Jesse James, Marik Knight as Gilbert Spencer, Caspian Diament as Jasper Peck, Zachary Vazquez as Deputy Dan Tucker, Ben Kaplan as Doctor Henry Hoyt, Kaycie Lee as Sally May, Zeb Slone as Wayne Whitehill aka Zeb, John Hall as Joe 'Texas Red' Grant, CJ Morrison as Calamity Jane, Karl Licht as James Albert Saunders aka 'Ab' Lincoln War / Mr. Borrows the grave digger, Cameron Judd as Elijah Crane, Logan Pall as Reuben Mosley Checkpoint Deputy and Leon J. Brumby as Jimmy James.