This film revolves around two friends that decide to make the greatest
action film ever. They find a stuntman and a script writer. A mobster
then fools them into a dangerous new project. The great cast includes:
Tom Vera as Marco Martino,
Shawn Welling as Craig Radcliffe,
Preslee Tucker as Terry Gun,
Joshua Peri as Cyclone,
Johnny Ray Gibbs as Deputy Carter,
Chloe Klitus as Geo the Hitgirl,
Janet Wang as Matilde,
Jim Jimenez as Jake Julios,
Victor V Gelsomino as Ethan Starr,
Michael A. Nettles as Deputy Ramos,
Regan K. Thompson as Eva Von Arm,
Matthew F. Davis as Jim Jargon,
John Sotolongo as Solomon the Serpent,
Orlando J. Reyes as Rick the Rabbi
Luke Hawash as Dave Fallon.
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