This drama film is set in middle America. It describes the lives of people
living in a small town (low-income). The awesome cast includes:
Audrey Holcomb as Corinna Hoffman,
Matty Cardarople as Clay Elliot,
Leonor Varela as Louise Stein,
Larsen Thompson as Sasha,
Hart Denton as Finn Elliott,
Sarah May Sommers as Eliza Stein,
Ava Torres as Young Eliza,
Hanna Griffiths as Eve Elliot,
Tara Hallett as Dance Chaperone,
John Honey as Dale Hoffman,
Valentina Cytrynowicz as Ruby,
Isabella Hunter as Ava,
Emily Hu as Anna Beth Joy,
Brie-Azsã Lawrence as Claudia,
Cedrik Whittaker as Paramedic
Marilyn Knapp as Dance Chaperone
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