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Main Cast Reviews  Marion Cotillard, Vincent Cassel, Mélanie Thierry Categories  Comedy | Adventure Release Date  1st Feb 2023 N/A

Marion Cotillard and Vincent Cassel star in this new rendition of the famous duo Asterix and Obelix. The incredible cast includes: Marion Cotillard as Cléopâtre, Vincent Cassel as César, Mélanie Thierry as Untitled, Guillaume Canet as Astérix, Linh-Dan Pham as L'impératrice, Pierre Richard as Panoramix, Gilles Lellouche as Obélix, Jonathan Cohen as Graindemaïs, José Garcia as Biopix, Franck Gastambide as Barbe Rouge, Zlatan Ibrahimovic as Oneofus, Jérôme Commandeur as Abraracourcix, Ramzy Bedia as Epidemaïs, Angèle as Falbala, Audrey Lamy as Bonemine, Vincent Desagnat as Perfidus, Manu Payet as Ri Qi Qi and Tatiana Gousseff as Ielosubmarine
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