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Main Cast Reviews  Nicolas Cage, Rachel Keller, Xander Berkeley Categories  Drama | Action | Adventure Release Date  1st Jan 2023 N/A

Nicholas Cage is back! This film is a frontier epic. An Ivy League drop-out travels to the Colorado wilderness. He meets buffalo hunters on a cut throat journey. This film is based on the highly acclaimed novel by John Williams. The super talented cast includes: Nicolas Cage as Miller, Rachel Keller as Untitled, Xander Berkeley as Untitled, Fred Hechinger as Will Andrews, Jeremy Bobb as Untitled, Paul Raci as Untitled, Amber Rose Mason as Wagon Woman, Scott McCauley as Hunter, Jesse Cilio as Aloe, Zuzu Weingart as Maggie, Jeff Medley as Bartender, Gabriel Clark as Clerk, Duncan Vezain as Hunter, Lance Otto as Saloon Patron and Miles Auckland as Hunter
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