This film follows the life of a former female surf champion. She moves with her family to a new location
after her father suffers a serious injury. She must get accustomed to a new culture and new friends.
The super talented cast includes:
Kiley Opsal as Sage Dyline,
Katrina Kusa as Via,
Jacob Kaufman as Connor,
Conor Kowalski as Zach Dyline (Sage Younger Brother),
Julie Garcia-Briceno as History Teacher,
Joe Palubinsky as Mr. Chador High School Principal,
Joshua Malekos as Jersey,
Manda Mae Emery as Michelle,
Rachel Cameron as Julie,
Ezra A. Bell as Vince (Basketball Player),
Raf Adame as Connor Father,
Eric Lum as Liam,
Judy Lay as Melissa,
Nicole Brettle as Lisa Dyline (Sage Mother),
Victoria Kelemen as Haley,
Leta Marcellus as Amy,
Mardy Mckee as Mrs. Babe (High School Administrator)
Bridget Jeske as Girl #1 Math Class Student
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