Animation | Adventure | Comedy This comical outlandish cartoon series follows the life of Ren, a tightly wound Chihuahua and Stimpy, a silly cat. They have odd adventures. Ca... ...go to review
6.8This series follows the life of Herman Brooks. He is an aspiring
writer that...hermans-head
Comedy This series follows the life of Herman Brooks. He is an aspiring writer that works a fact-checker at a publisher. He lives in the big city. His in... ...go to review
8.0This series is about a doctor who recently graduated. He sets up his...northern-exposure
Comedy | Drama This series is about a doctor who recently graduated. He sets up his practice in an Alaskan town with eccentric citizens. Cast: Barry Corbin as... ...go to review
Comedy | Drama | Family 'Empty Nest' describes the day to day adventures of a widowed man (pediatrician) named Harry Weston. He has two adult daughters, Barbara and Carol... ...go to review
6.5This series is about the adventures of a teenage superman. The villains
Adventure | Fantasy This series is about the adventures of a teenage superman. The villains in this series were awesome. Superboy also had to contend with typical tee... ...go to review
7.2This series is an opinionated who works as a television journalist.
Comedy This series is an opinionated who works as a television journalist. Although she is quite highly strung and strict some of her co-workers love her... ...go to review
8.2Al Bundy has a wife and two children. He is a tired shoe-salesman. He was the...married-with-children
Comedy Al Bundy has a wife and two children. He is a tired shoe-salesman. He was the star of his old high-school football team. But life has changed since... ...go to review
7.3This sketch show is hosted by Tracey Ullman. The show contains sketches and...the-tracey-ullman-show
Comedy | Musical This sketch show is hosted by Tracey Ullman. The show contains sketches and musical numbers with some dance. Interestingly it also aired the first... ...go to review
7.5An angel on probation is sent back to Earth. He teams up with an ex-cop to...highway-to-heaven
Drama An angel on probation is sent back to Earth. He teams up with an ex-cop to help people. The story lines were very innovative and they always taught... ...go to review
7.5Football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine adopt the orphaned...webster
Comedy Football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine adopt the orphaned son of a former teammate called 'Webster'. There are life lessons in e... ...go to review
8.2These are the stories of the regulars of the Boston bar "Cheers". They share...cheers
Comedy | Drama These are the stories of the regulars of the Boston bar 'Cheers'. They share their experiences with each other. This is the bar where everybody kno... ...go to review
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7.2The Ren And Stimpy Show:
This comical outlandish cartoon series follows the life of
Ren, a tightly...the-ren-and-stimpy-show6.8Hermans Head:
This series follows the life of Herman Brooks. He is an aspiring
writer that...hermans-head8.0Northern Exposure:
This series is about a doctor who recently graduated. He sets up his...northern-exposure1995Tiny Toon Adventures:
Charlie Adler as Buster Bunny / ... 94 episodes 1990-1992,
Tress...tiny-toon-adventures7.2Empty Nest:
"Empty Nest" describes the day to day adventures of a widowed man...empty-nest6.5Superboy:
This series is about the adventures of a teenage superman. The villains
in...superboy7.2Murphy Brown:
This series is an opinionated who works as a television journalist.
Although...murphy-brown8.2Married With Children:
Al Bundy has a wife and two children. He is a tired shoe-salesman. He was the...married-with-children7.3The Tracey Ullman Show:
This sketch show is hosted by Tracey Ullman. The show contains sketches and...the-tracey-ullman-show7.5Highway To Heaven:
An angel on probation is sent back to Earth. He teams up with an ex-cop to...highway-to-heaven7.5Webster:
Football player George Papadapolis and his wife Katherine adopt the orphaned...webster8.2Cheers:
These are the stories of the regulars of the Boston bar "Cheers". They share...cheers
Space Food is about the adventures of a food supplying spaceship that...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means it is
getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...Story
Double Dribble is an arcade basketball video game developed and...Story
Out Run is an arcade driving video game released by Sega in September...This game is a Classic Sierra Game which means that you can
both move...This game is a Classic Sierra Game which means that you can
both move...This game is a Classic Sierra Game which means that you can
both move...