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HOME > Faran Fonté

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The Best Faran Fonté Movies/TV/Books. Previous and Upcoming Content.

Faran Fonté recently worked with: Simon Baker, Robin Tunney.

Faran Fonté - Reviews
8.2 This series about a famous "psychic". He then goes public as fraud before... the-mentalist

The Mentalist

This series about a famous 'psychic'. He then goes public as fraud before working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation. He a...
...go to review

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celebrity/reviews/name/faran-font%C3%A9Faran Font%C3%A9 

Faran Font%C3%A9

Latest 3 Reviews...
celebrity/reviews/name/michelle-monaghanMichelle Monaghan 

Michelle Monaghan

Latest 3 Reviews...
Black Site | 2022 A group of officers fight against an infamous detainee of a labyrinth. He ends up escapi...
Saint Judy | 2019 This movie tels the true story of immigration attorney Judy Wood. Judy single-handedly...
Mission Impossible Fallou | 2018 Tom Cruise is back with even more impressive stunt work and action scenes! After an IMF...
celebrity/reviews/name/lakeith-stanfieldLakeith Stanfield 

Lakeith Stanfield

Latest 3 Reviews...
Haunted Mansion | 2023 Tiffany Haddish is back! This film is about a single mom named Gabbie. She hires a tour...
The Harder They Fall | 2021 Idris Elba is back! This movie is about a man looks to take revenge against the man who...
The Photograph | 2020 This movie is about several intertwining love stories. These stories are set in the pas...
Film/TV Content
video-content/video-content/beverly-hills-cop-trailerBeverly Hills Cop Trailer [x]

video-content/video-content/to-catch-a-thief-|-grace-kelly-and-cary-grantTo Catch A Thief | Grace Kelly And Cary Grant [x]

video-content/video-content/the-notebook-|-argumentThe Notebook | Argument [x]

Movie Times

 Faran Fonté - Filmography



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