Comedy | Crime | Drama Sam (played by the versatile Andrew Garfield) is a bored man in his thirties. He finds a mysterious woman swimming in the pool of his apartment.... ...go to review
6.3This series describes the life of Superman's cousin.
She is also a superhero...supergirl
Action | Adventure | Drama This series describes the life of Superman's cousin. She is also a superhero that encounters enemies and dangerous situations. Cast: Melissa Be... ...go to review
8.2This series is about Deputy Police Chief Brenda Johnson. She
runs the...the-closer
Crime | Drama This series is about Deputy Police Chief Brenda Johnson. She runs the Priority Homicide Division of the LAPD. She has an unusual style to her poli... ...go to review
Drama This series is about an antisocial and unique doctor. He is a specialist at diagnostic medicine. He is known to do whatever it takes to cure patie... ...go to review
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Celebrities Film/TV Content
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N/AUnder The Silver Lake:
Sam (played by the versatile
Andrew Garfield)
is a bored man in his...under-the-silver-lake6.3Supergirl:
This series describes the life of Superman's cousin.
She is also a superhero...supergirl8.2The Closer:
This series is about Deputy Police Chief Brenda Johnson. She
runs the...the-closer8.5House:
This series is about an antisocial and unique doctor.
He is a specialist
Space Food is about the adventures of a food supplying spaceship that...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means it is
getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
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