Adventure | Drama This series is about a teenage sorceress called Nimue. She finds a young Arthur during her quest to find an old but powerful sword. Katherine L... ...go to review
7.3This series is a TV adaptation of Aldous Huxley's
popuar book. It is set in...brave-new-world
Drama | Sci-Fi | Adventure This series is a TV adaptation of Aldous Huxley's popuar book. It is set in dystopian future. Alden Ehrenreich as John the Savage 9 episodes 202... ...go to review
7.8This series follows the members of the nouveau
riche society. This includes...belgravia
Drama | Romance This series follows the members of the nouveau riche society. This includes The Trenchard family. We see them interact with London's established... ...go to review
Drama This series describes the political rivalries of Queen Elizabeth II's reign. It goes into the romances that occured during that era. It also takes... ...go to review
8.0This series describes how an American gets an
Irish girl pregnant on a...catastrophe
Comedy This series describes how an American gets an Irish girl pregnant on a business trip to London. They go through good times and troubles. Cast: S... ...go to review
7.4The protagonists are half-brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott.
They have both
Drama | Romance The protagonists are half-brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott. They have both a friendship and rivalry on the basketball court. They have friendships... ...go to review
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This series is about a teenage sorceress called Nimue.
She finds a young...cursed7.3Brave New World:
This series is a TV adaptation of Aldous Huxley's
popuar book. It is set in...brave-new-world7.8Belgravia:
This series follows the members of the nouveau
riche society. This includes...belgravia8.5The Crown:
This series describes the political rivalries of Queen Elizabeth II's reign....the-crown8.0Catastrophe:
This series describes how an American gets an
Irish girl pregnant on a...catastrophe7.4One Tree Hill:
The protagonists are half-brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott.
They have both
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it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
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