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HOME > Patti Aagaard

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Patti Aagaard recently worked with: Jessie Buckley, Craig Parkinson.

Patti Aagaard - Reviews
N/A This movie is about a musician from Glasgow that dreams of being a Nashville... wild-rose

Wild Rose

Drama | Musical
This movie is about a musician from Glasgow that dreams of being a Nashville star. The talented cast includes: Jessie Buckley as Rose-Lynn Harlan,...
...go to review

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celebrity/reviews/name/patti-aagaardPatti Aagaard 

Patti Aagaard

Latest 3 Reviews...
Wild Rose | 2019 This movie is about a musician from Glasgow that dreams of being a Nashville star. The...
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Joseph Gordon Levitt

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Ken Jeong

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Extinct | 2021 Adam Devine is back! The main protagonists are a species of fluffy animals called 'Flumme...
Occupation Rain Fall | 2021 Temuera Morrison is back! This movie is set 2 years after an intergalactic invasion of...
Tom And Jerry | 2021 This movie is an adaption of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon Tom and Jerry. It's about the fi...
Film/TV Content
video-content/video-content/marylin-munroe-|-funny-glasses-sceneMarylin Munroe | Funny Glasses Scene [x]

video-content/video-content/the-seven-year-itch-|-good-old-rachmaninoffThe Seven Year Itch | Good Old Rachmaninoff [x]

Movie Times

 Patti Aagaard - Filmography


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